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TAC Independent Support

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TAC Client Independent Support Services

The Client Independence Skills Service (CISS) is a dynamic, goal-oriented program designed to enhance the independence of clients through targeted skill development. This service is holistic, adapting to the unique needs and circumstances of each client, with a focus on reducing reliance on formal supports. Here’s what health professionals need to know about CISS.

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Attentive Therapist

Who Benefits from CISS?

CISS is ideal for clients who are eager to develop their skills and gain independence across various life areas. It is particularly suited for those who currently receive attendant care but aim to achieve greater autonomy.

What CISS Offers

CISS employs a client-centered approach, focusing on activities of daily living (ADL), personal wellbeing, budgeting, finance, and community integration. Our experienced CISS workers support clients in developing essential skills through a program that is both goal- and skill-directed.

The service is time-limited, extending up to 12 weeks, with an emphasis on repetitive practice to ensure skill retention and maximise independence.

How CISS Assists

Clients looking to achieve their independence goals may find CISS particularly beneficial. The service offers a structured period of practice and repetition, facilitated by qualified CISS workers, to hone specific skills. This approach not only reduces reliance on attendant care but also empowers clients to actively pursue their goals.

The Service Model

Over a 12-week period, CISS providers, in collaboration with the treating team, will develop a personalized training program based on the client's SMART goals. This program is rooted in supported repetitive functional task practice, tailored to the client's independence plan.

Referral Process

Referrals to CISS can be made by any member of the client's treating team. To initiate a referral, contact the client's TAC support coordinator to discuss the suitability and process.

Impact on Health Professionals

Incorporating CISS into your treatment plan offers an additional pathway to support your client's journey towards independence. Regular updates will be provided to ensure seamless integration with existing treatment plans and to monitor progress towards goals.

At the conclusion of the 12-week program, an evaluation of the service's impact and any necessary adjustments to the client's ongoing support needs will be discussed. Extensions to the service may be considered if clinically justified and approved by the TAC.

CISS represents a valuable resource in the continuum of care, offering clients a structured approach to skill development and independence. For further information or to refer a client, please contact the designated TAC support coordinator.


Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM

Saturday On Call

Sunday On Call



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TAC and WorkCover Attendant Care


Mount Waverley, Victoria

03 8637 0504 / 1300 936 588

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